Quiz “British Literature”
- Where was William Shakespeare born?
- What theatre did Shakespeare work as an actor?
- What Shakespeare play is the phrase “To be or not to be…” taken from?
- Give Byron’s years of life.
- What university did Byron enter at the age of 17?
- Give the surname of a famous poet of English Romanticism Percy B.
- Give Robert Burns’s date of birth.
- What age did Robert Burns die?
- Who is the author of the Lyrical Ballads?
- What is the real name of George Eliot?
- What English novelist was born in 1812?
- Who wrote the novel “Jane Eyre”?
- Who wrote the trilogy “The Forsyte Saga”?
- Give the title end of Charles Dickens’s novel “Oliver …”.
- What city was Arthur Conan Doyle born?
- Who are the two main characters of Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories?
- What prize was Bernard Shaw awarded?
- What English writer is considered to be the ‘queen’ of detective novels?
Ответы предоставляются в письменном виде на английском языке с указанием ФИО и группы Алексеевой Зинаиде Гаврильевне с 20 по 23 апреля 2015 г. (328 ауд).
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